32809 View the files you are sharing\nShared Files
32825 Brings you to the support page on SourceForge\nSupport
32826 Brings you to the bug tracker at SourceForge\nReport Bug
32827 Check for a new version on SourceForge\nVersion Check
32838 Chat on IRC\nChat
32844 Show or hide the media toolbar\nToggle MediaBar
32857 Show or hide the list of open windows\nToggle window List
32870 Open Browser\nWeb
32871 Connect to IRC\nConnect
32872 Disconnect from IRC\nDisconnect
32873 Chat Preferences\nChat Preferences
32874 Change default chat colors\nChange Colors
32876 Chat Help\nChat Help
32877 Write IRC Remote Scripts\nRemote Scripting
32878 Write command aliases\nAliases
32896 HTTP Server/1.0
32897 403 Forbidden
32898 200 OK
32899 304 Not Modified
32900 503 Service Unavailable
32901 *.*
32902 <html><h1>
32903 </h1><p>\n
32904 The URL specified is a folder that does not contain a default document or application. The following is a listing of what documents and subfolders it does have; please select one:<p>\n